
Wednesday, April 10, 2013

Get healthy resolution #395810395719 and a nice proposal

It seems about every other month I make a resolution to get healthy.  I get on myfitnesspal, make myself a menu, plan my exercise regime ect.  Yes it always works out oh so very well... not.

Once again its time for my bi-monthly get healthy kick.  It all started when I decided to calculate my waist to hip ratio.  A normal person's is supposed to be around .75.  Mine is around .87.  Oops.  I guess those three doughnuts I had for lunch was a bad idea.

Anyways, after finals week is over I want to start a thing called "weigh in Wednesdays".  I figure if I have something to keep me at least semi accountable it might actually work this time.  I need to lose about 3 inches off my waistline to be healthy again, so we'll see how it goes.  I haven't planned my schedule or anything yet, but I'll keep ya posted!

Just as a side note, UNICEF is doing a campaign called "Below the Line" to help raise awareness about poverty.  For 5 days, starting April 29th, you can only spend $1.50 per day on food.  I think its a really neat thing to increase awareness for people like me who eat 12 meals a day and constantly throw away tons of food.

I may or may not have learned about this through Tom Hiddleston's twitter.  No judgement. Look at him, he's perfect.

Click here for more information!

Cool well it's been real!


1 comment:

  1. i love you.
    and your blog.
    that is all.

    p.s. good luck with the UNICEF challenge!
