
Wednesday, April 10, 2013

Get healthy resolution #395810395719 and a nice proposal

It seems about every other month I make a resolution to get healthy.  I get on myfitnesspal, make myself a menu, plan my exercise regime ect.  Yes it always works out oh so very well... not.

Once again its time for my bi-monthly get healthy kick.  It all started when I decided to calculate my waist to hip ratio.  A normal person's is supposed to be around .75.  Mine is around .87.  Oops.  I guess those three doughnuts I had for lunch was a bad idea.

Anyways, after finals week is over I want to start a thing called "weigh in Wednesdays".  I figure if I have something to keep me at least semi accountable it might actually work this time.  I need to lose about 3 inches off my waistline to be healthy again, so we'll see how it goes.  I haven't planned my schedule or anything yet, but I'll keep ya posted!

Just as a side note, UNICEF is doing a campaign called "Below the Line" to help raise awareness about poverty.  For 5 days, starting April 29th, you can only spend $1.50 per day on food.  I think its a really neat thing to increase awareness for people like me who eat 12 meals a day and constantly throw away tons of food.

I may or may not have learned about this through Tom Hiddleston's twitter.  No judgement. Look at him, he's perfect.

Click here for more information!

Cool well it's been real!


Sunday, April 7, 2013

My trip to the hair dresser...

So, if you know anything about me, you will discover that I am a kind of awkward person.  This detail of my life used to cause me great anxiety, and sometimes it still does, but overall I've learned to just embrace it.  More on that later, perhaps.

Anyways, my awkwardness does not turn off when I go to the hair dresser.  In fact hair salons are the worst because you're trapped in a chair and forced to interact with a stranger for over an hour.  Reserved girls like me aren't good at small talk.  How on earth the girl next to me continued a conversation about a certain beach resort for over half an hour is beyond me.

So somehow, no matter what I always get the same lady to cut my hair every time I go.  I never request her, but I really should because she's so wonderful at cutting hair.  
I had a picture of what I wanted my hair to look like (shown left), but of course it was on my computer.  We stood there awkwardly while my computer took 12 years to turn on and load.  Finally it did.  She asked me a few questions, none of which I knew the answer to.  I hate when hair dressers ask you what you want. I mean I gave you a picture, isn't is self explanatory?   So a few minutes in I realized my hair wasn't going to look like the picture.  I have very curly hair, and in order to cooperate it has to be straightened.  So I became very gloomy after that, and kept asking my stylist if she was done.  The lighting is so bad that I couldn't see myself properly, and I solemnly declared that I look like Spock.  Heather gave a nervous laugh and said "I don't know who that is".  For reals? 

Anyways I basically was Eeyore the whole time, and when I left I gloomily said "I guess front bangs aren't for me"...

Shameful, O so very shameful.  Once I got outside and looked at myself properly in a shop window I realized I had over reacted, and that my hair was,in fact, amazing. Heather Triumphs again!

I wish I knew her email so that I could apologize.  Everyone loves my hair, and while some do say that its reminiscent of the Spock costume I did last year for Halloween, it is really nice.

I'd show you a picture of my hair, but my webcam no worky. No se porque. Instead, let me honor you with my Halloween costume for last year:  
In case it isn't obvious I'm the one in the blue shirt.

Moral of the story: things can look different in a new light.  New ways of seeing and experiencing can totally change our perspectives.  Sometimes small changes are all we need to brighten our day and stay positive. 

Attitude, as they say, is everything.

New me, new blog

Hey errebody!
So I had this other blog...and I posted in it every month or so.  Well that was the average.  Sometimes I'd go months without writing anything at all.  In total I think I had maybe 40-50 posts, and as of today 1112 page views.  Since I only had 6 followers I'm not sure how that happened. Oddly enough this post is viewed the most :http://haleyjb.blogspot.com/2011/04/day-21-picture-of-something-you-wish.html.  Couldn't tell you why though.  Perhaps lots of people google snake swallowing sheep.

The reason I want to create a new blog is A) the old one is kind of ugly and B) I kind of just want a blank slate to write on.

Yes, I realize this blog is ugly too.  Its a work in progress.

I just want this blog to be a place where I can hash things out, and maybe help other people in the process.  I feel like I've learned a few things recently that can be helpful to others, and I'd like to share them.  Also I don't have an instagram and I want a place to upload random crap whenever I feel like.

Since blogs are like interactive journals, let me provide you with a small part of what is dear to me.
If you have never tried these, let me just say that you need to remedy that ASAP.  These crunchy squares are finish-in-three-days-make-the-store-clerk-fetch-you-some-from- the-back-good.

I'm not sure that was the proper use of the dash.  O well, my mom will tell me when she reads this.  #grammar.
Also, I hate hashtags.  I'm afraid my ironic use of it will go the same way as "totes" where I do it so much that I actually become one of the people who do it all the time.

All right well that is all.  Hasta lluego!