
Wednesday, May 1, 2013

Weigh in Wednesday

I'm home! After a stressful few days of packing up and cleaning my entire apartment, and a plane trip that involved me donating my bed sheets to the garbage can and accidentally clobbering a lady with my heavy backpack, I have finally made it to Las Vegas.

Anyways, since I was moving out of my apartment I didn't want to buy new food.  I basically lived off of ritz crackers, Martinelli's apple cider and Cheetos puffs for the last week. So the diet thing has been going great.

Since being home I've done all right though.  I've been eating more salad than I ever have my whole life, and besides the Ben and Jerry's I had yesterday my diet has been pretty low calorie.  At least I think it has.  I've been trying to put everything into myfitnesspal.com but sometimes I'm not entirely truthful.  I mean what difference does it make if I eat a cup of oatmeal squares instead of just half a cup? None what-so-ever.

Somehow I agreed to run in relay race with my friends.  Right now I run about a 15 minute mile, but I have 4 months to train. I figure all of the peer pressure will convince me to actually train this time.  I tried last summer to train for a half marathon.  Ya, that went well...  I figure this time I actually have people depending on me not to screw up.  Nothing is more motivating than not wanting to be the dud who messes everything up!


Well that is about all, good luck to anyone else trying to get healthy!


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